Established through a 1909 Act of State Parliament, The University of Queensland was the first university in the state and was officially founded on April 16, 1910, with the gazettal of appointments to the first UQ Senate. Teaching started in 1911 in Old Government House in George Street, Brisbane. In the first year there were three faculties – Arts, Science and Engineering – and 83 students (60 men and 23 women).
After World War I, the University expanded rapidly and soon outgrew its inner-city location. In 1922, an additional site in Victoria Park (now occupied by the Medical School) was secured. Four years later, Dr James O’Neil Mayne and his sister Miss Mary Emelia Mayne provided funds to buy the St Lucia site where the University’s main campus is now located. Construction started on the St Lucia site in 1937 and the first building, later named the Forgan Smith Building after the Premier of the day, was completed in 1939. During World War II, it became the advanced headquarters for the Allied Land Forces in the South West Pacific.
In 1990, the University merged with the Queensland Agricultural College at (now Gatton), 80 kilometres west of Brisbane, resulting in the union of the two oldest higher education institutions in the State and producing a substantial increase in enrolments. The former Queensland Agricultural College enrolled its first students in 1897 and the two institutions had a long history of cooperation in teaching and research activities.

In 1999, UQ opened a major campus in the provincial centre of Ipswich, taking over a site previously used by the Challinor Centre mental health facility. In January 2015 this campus transferred to the University of Southern Queensland but UQ continued to teach at the USQ Ipswich campus until 2016 to assist particular students complete their studies.
Established in 2010, UQ’s major clinical health and research teaching location at Herston is now UQ's third campus.
This scholarship is awarded to students who have completed their foundation year at The International Education Servies Ltd (IES) and seeking admission to the Bachelor of Economics (BEcon). Will cover up to 25% of tuition fees only.
The School of Economics and UQ Foundation have successfully developed a close working relationship
The School of Economics and UQ Foundation have successfully developed a close working relationship over a number of years, with increasing numbers of international students deciding to pursue an economics degree at UQ after completing their Foundation studies. Students wishing to have a degree that provides critical thinking skills, problem-solving ability and strong analytical tools which they can apply to a diverse range of business environments and industries are recognising the importance of economics to long-term career opportunity.
Important dates
This scholarship is offered for students commencing in Semester 1 and Semester 2. Closing date for students commencing in Semester 1 is 30 November. Closing date for students commencing in Semester 2 is 30 April.

Students who have completed their foundation year at The International Education Servies Ltd (IES) and are seeking admission to the Bachelor of Economics (BEcon) or a dual degree with Bachelor of Economics.
• Criteria based on academic achievement in the IES Foundation Year program.
• The applicant must have studied the correct prerequisite subjects during the IES Foundation Year to enrol in their chosen field.
• Applicants must have a minimum overall grade of 6.5 with a minimum of 5 for Maths and AE OR an IELTS of 6.5.
• Previous study of Economics at school or college is not required for enrolment in the BEcon degree or for the scholarship.
Students applying for a dual degree with BEcon are also eligible, and the scholarship will then apply to the 36 units required in the BEcon component of a dual program only.

Before you get started
If this scholarship has rules, download and read them.
Q: What are the admission criteria for IES?

You must apply for the Bachelor of Economics or a dual degree program with the Bachelor of Economics before applying for this scholarship.
Applications close on the same dates every year:
Applications close on the same dates every year:
• 30 November for semester 1
• 30 May for semester 2.
Send the completed application form and additional documentation (listed below) by the closing date to
• Cover letter outlining why you wish to study economics at The University of Queensland
• A brief summary of extra-curricular activities and interests you believe are relevant to the shortlisting committee
N.B. IES will add your confidential reference letter and results when they are released.
Selection criteria
• Criteria based on academic achievement in the Foundation Year.
• Previous study of economics at school or college is not required for enrolment in the BEcon degree or for the scholarship.
• Students applying for a dual degree with BEcon are also eligible, e.g. BEcon/LLB, BEcon/BA, BEcon/BEng etc., in which case the scholarship will cover up to 25% of the fees for the BEcon component only, i.e. 36 units required for the BEcon.